Great Synaxaristes - Vol. 09: September

Great Synaxaristes - Vol. 09: September

Holy Apostles Convent

  • $170.00

September Volume: 129 Full-length Accounts for September; 143 icons; 784 pages

Lives of the Saints translated from the Greek — complete, unabridged, & annotated.

The Lives of the Saints in English, together with homilies for major feast days, are arranged around the monthly lectionary calendar of the Orthodox Church.

This classic collection, which has inspired generations of Orthodox, is indispensable for all. No Orthodox library can be without this standard and blessed reference work. This should now be the first place to which one turns for information on the saints' struggles, sufferings, and achievements. The hagiographies are furnished with explanatory notes and references. An alphabetical index of the Saints and feast days has been included at the end of each volume.

Compilers include Saint Symeon the Metaphrastes, Agapios the Cretan, Nikodemos the Hagiorite, Efthymios Zigabenos, Dositheos of Jerusalem, Church Fathers, and Athonite writers; also cited are Ecclesiastical Histories, together with Neon Paradeison, Neon Thesavron, Neon Eklogion, Neon Martyrologion, and Ephraim.

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