Becoming Icons of Christ
Becoming Icons of Christ, the third in a series of collections of talks and essays by Mother Raphaela, continues the practical and plain-spoken advice on life and growth in Christ introduced and developed in t he first two volumes.
When we find ourselves in our times of passion, or when we are faced with the passion of others, we have only one way open to us to respond appropriately...we ask Christ to enter our lives, to teach us to pray, and Himself to come, live, and pray within us. This way of entering into the life and Passion of Christ is the only way to His Resurrection?our own personal transfiguration by the life of God. And only as we are thus transfigured will we become icons?not icons of our righteousness and suffering, nor of our own strength, truth and courage, but icons of the love, the power, and the peace of God.
112 pp