Elder Anthony of Optina
Elder Anthony (1795–1865), born Alexander Ivanovich Putilov, came from a pious family in Russia and was raised in the fear of God. Of Alexander and his four brothers, three became righteous abbots of renowned monasteries. From his youth he dedicated himself to inner vigilance and prayer in the forests of Russia.
Through a life of terrible hardships and excruciating physical ailments, Elder Anthony acquired perfect spiritual freedom through the careful guarding of his soul and the humble acceptance of God’s Providence. He remained joyful to the end, filled with tender compassion for all who came to him. His life and writings, included here in one volume, breathe this same joy and compassion.
ELDER ANTHONY OF OPTINA is compiled not only from the information of his own personal notes, journals, and letters, but also from the recollections of his spiritual children, particularly those of a disciple of St. Herman of Alaska—the saintly Sergius Yanovsky—who became a monk and a disciple of Elder Anthony after returning to Russia from America.