Gratitude in Life's Trenches: How to Experience the Good Life. . . Even When Everything Is Going Wrong

Gratitude in Life's Trenches: How to Experience the Good Life. . . Even When Everything Is Going Wrong

Robin Phillips

  • $41.00

No end of books these days offer us techniques for self-improvement. Taking a different tack, Robin Phillips shows that God meets us where we are, in the pain and heartache of the present moment. Instead of looking for a way to escape from hardship, we can cultivate an attitude of gratitude, peace, and self-acceptance that will transform our experience of suffering.

Drawing on his own experiences and his work as a consultant in the behavioral health industry - as well as stories of saints and sufferers, teachings of the Fathers, and recent discoveries in neuroscience - Phillips shows us that the journey to personal well-being is one we can all travel, regardless of the hardships we may face. (15x23cm; 328pages)

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