Saint Joseph the Hesychast, Letters & Poems

Saint Joseph the Hesychast, Letters & Poems

St Joseph the Hesychast

  • $90.00

Letters & Poems by Saint Joseph the Hesychast

"So, have much love for Christ, and it won't be long before you enjoy Him. Nothing is higher than love. This is what you should beg the Lord to grant you, as well as His most sweet dear Mother. 
When you say the [Jesus] prayer constantly, and His Grace overshadows you, then your soul is warmed by divine love, and your heart is on fire. Then you only want to meditate on the name of Christ constantly, and want it to be your only breath and life.
Then you will see what happens within you. The tears can't be held back. "Love, love, all love!" it cries out. Then you can't restrain the waves, and your soul wants to depart and go beside Him."