(DO NOT ORDER) Η Αγία και Μεγάλη Σύνοδος στην Κρήτη
6 Hours, 7 Lessons: How Christ’s Light Transcends Our Darkness
After God
Against Religion: The Alienation of the Ecclesial Event
Beauty and Unity in Creation
Beauty for Ashes: The Spiritual Transformation of a Modern Greek Community
Being Bread
Beyond the Shattered Image
Christ's Comfort For Those Who Sorrow
Christ, Our Way and Our Life
Christian Ethics Volume One: Introduction-General Principles and Modern Challenges
Christian Faith and Same Sex Attraction
Christianity and the Roman Empire from Nero to Theodosius
Church, World, Mission
Coming Home: Why Protestant Clergy are becoming Orthodox
Confronting and Controlling Thoughts: According to the Fathers of the Philokalia
Contemporary Moral Issues Facing the Orthodox Christian
Conversations with Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I
Divine Energy: The Orthodox Path to Christian Victory
Dragon's Wine and Angel's Bread
Every Sigh Can Be A Prayer
Everyday Wonders: Stories of God's Providence
Facing the World
Food, Faith and Fasting: A Sacred Journey to Better Health