A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture (Vol 1)
A Panoramic View of Holy Scripture (Vol 2)
Commentaries on the Sages, Vol 1
Commentaries on the Sages, Vol 2
Commentary on the Psalms, Vol 2
Drops from the Living Water
Eight Sermons on the Book of Genesis
Homilies on the Epistle of the Apostle Paul to Titus
Homilies on the Epistle to Philemon
Homilies on the Epistle to the Galatians
Homilies on the Old Testament, Vol 1
Homilies on the Old Testament, Vol 2
Homilies on the Old Testament, Vol 3
In the Beginning (Genesis)
Jesus Christ and the Temple
Song of Songs: Textual Commentary and Theological Reflections
Sparks from the Apostles
Spirit of Truth Vol 1: The Origins of Johannine Pneumatology
Spiritual Gems from the Book of Psalms
The Book Of Revelation
The Explanation of the Gospel of Mark by Blessed Theophylact
The Explanation of the Holy Gospel of St John According to Blessed Theophylact
The Explanation of the Holy Gospel of St John According to Blessed Theophylact (HC)
The Message of the Bible: An Orthodox Christian Perspective